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Homabay | Western Kenya

Homabay County is a place in western Kenya, right by the beautiful Lake Victoria, known as 'Naam lolwe' by the local people. It's a special place where many families rely on fishing to make a living. While a few folks do farming.

For a long time, the fishermen of Homabay have used kerosene lamps to light up their nights while they fish. But this old practice has brought some big problems. First, it's not good for their health. Breathing in those kerosene fumes can make them sick. Second, it's not great for the environment, as it leads to pollution. And on top of that, it's costly, eating into their hard-earned money.

This Christmas, Givewatts is trying to raise money to bring more than 3,000 solar-powered lights to the fishermen and their families in Homabay. This will have some great effects:

  • Less Pollution: It will reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which is good for the environment.
  • Savings: With solar lights, the families won't have to spend as much money on kerosene. This means they'll have more money to use for other important.
  • Brighter Future: Around 9,000 school-going children in the area will have access to light. This means they can study more, even after it gets dark.
  • Protecting the Lake: The solar lights will also help in reducing oil spillage in Lake Victoria. This is essential for the lake's ecosystem and the people who depend on it for their livelihoods.
  • Healthier Lives: No more harmful fumes from kerosene lamps! That means fewer people will get sick from inhaling dangerous fumes.

So, this Christmas, Givewatts is bringing the gift of light to Homabay County. It's not just about brightening up their nights; it's about lighting up their lives. With your help and generosity, we can make this holiday season truly special for the people of Homabay. Together, we can bring light, hope, and a brighter future to this wonderful community.


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